Sidus Trademarks

This page contains registered trademarks of Sidus Space.
To request permission to use any trademarked asset, please Contact Us.

Sidus Space Logomarks

sidus space logo with transparent background
sidus interns logo
sidus constellation logo
sidus space space access reimagined logo
sidus serves logo
sidus space logo with url


lizziesat with trademark
lizziesat full logo
lizziesat without trademark


ssiklops full logo
ssiklops word logo

Phoenix Deployer

phoenix deployer full logo
phoenix deployer word logo


eftp flight test platform
craig flight test platform

Concept Constellation

concept constellation full logo
concept constellation


orbitplex logo
orbitplex platform logo

Other Sidus Wordmarks

craig technologies aerospace solutions
bringing space down to earth
easy button for space
suds and satellites
a multi-mission satellite for a multi-mission constellation
access to space for all humankind
space access reimagined
accessing space requires a down to earth partner